Main causes of accidents at work are the following: ignorance of the risks and their prevention. It happens numerous times. Workers are not properly trained and informed of the risks to which they are exposed during their working day. For this reason, law 31/1995 on prl establishes that training and information actions on workers are mandatory. Overconfidence or distraction in the task performed. Naturally, people tend to mentally automate everyday and repetitive tasks. The problem is that in certain jobs, these daily tasks are extremely dangerous. In these cases, distractions or overconfidence can have deadly consequences. The lack of knowledge of the real
magnitude of the consequences of an accident or the erroneous assessment of the risk . They are a consequence of the previous items. Many people, due e commerce photo editing to ignorance or overconfidence, are not able to realistically assess the consequences of their actions in the workplace. The lack of knowledge about the consequences that an accident can entail or not knowing how to appreciate the true nature of a risk, usually lead sooner or later to dangerous behavior, for themselves or for third parties. Lack of preventive culture . Although the framework law dates back to 1995, our country suffers from a general lack of awareness regarding occupational safety.
Fortunately, it is a trend that is in the process of reversing. Due to the absence or deficiencies of the prevention management system (sgp) in the company. Related to the previous point. It is surprising how many organizations today do not have an sgp. Many others, for their part, have an sgp that is ineffective or designed to cover the appearance of regulatory compliance. Repercussions of work accidents the repercussions of occupational accidents show two very