Those concerning technological change and its links with working conditions. Country Email List For this immense problem there are no institutional designs that solve everything; when expectations of this kind are nurtured, frustrations are inevitable and often lead to setting aside alternatives that may be partially useful. An example is the co-management of workers, their participation in the Country Email List management of public and private companies, which has been rather discarded although, from a realistic perspective, it has much in its favor frustrations are inevitable and frequently lead to neglecting alternatives that may be partially useful. An example is the co-management of workers, Country Email List their participation in the management of public and private companies.
Which has been rather discarded although, from a realistic perspective, it has much Country Email List in its favor frustrations are inevitable and frequently lead to neglecting alternatives that may be partially useful. An example is the co-management of workers, their participation in the management of public and private companies, which has been rather discarded although, from a realistic perspective, it has much in its favor14. The key question is whether the workers' own interests can be defended i Country Email List n this way while what is produced can be socially and environmentally improved, especially when it comes to fundamental public services whose higher quality so many people demand. Economic systems include not only production and distribution, but Country Email List also collective learning and both technological and organizational innovation. Effectiveness requires that.
In all these aspects, multiple actors participate, including, without a doubt, Country Email List employers and public bodies, but also workers' organizations, cooperatives and other groups. A notion of efficiency that attends to the quality of the goods and services that are produced, Country Email List as well as to the living conditions inside and outside of work, requires more diverse involvements than the usual ones, where cooperation is desirable and conflict, inevitable. It is necessary Country Email List to test ways.