make a purchase decision. Often it's not clear how a given set of terms will perform, and as such, we like to do some basic testing using PPC to better determine the value of those keywords. Buying 1000 clicks and demonstrating the results with simple sums to determine metrics can help you avoid an SEO bullet. You may see some resistance against this approach, but a month-long PPC campaign that generates no results is better than a six-month SEO campaign that ranks the terms without the results. Ultimately,
Google is so smart now that ranking for specific terms absolutely requires the best content for that search term. So again, if you can't or don't want to create this content, it might not be the best SEO strategy for you. The lines are somewhat blurred between content fax number list marketing, social media marketing, and SEO once we get into the informational part of the keyword spectrum, so make sure your strategy allows for that. There are many ways keywords may not be the best fit, from advertising competition to simply shifting a
few degrees strategically. Make sure your keywords are performing well before committing to a long-term campaign. 5. New ventures Organic search can take time and effort, so if you're moving into an existing, highly competitive industry and you absolutely need fast results, SEO might not be for you. Even in the local business space, we can see that campaigns take six months or more to really deliver the goods. If speed is important to you, you might want to focus on a marketing tactic that can deliver the goods quickly. Then, watch your