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NICHE' Restaurant & Event Space

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Uchebnik Po Literature 11 Klass 1 Chast Korovina

18.Uminova N. V Izucheniye proizvedeniy svyatochnoy prozy na urokakh literatury v 5-11 klassakh. Dis. kand. ped. nauk [The study of works of Yuletide prose in literature lessons in grades 5-11. Diss. cand. of ped. sci.]. Moscow, 2009 (in Russian). URL: (accessed 20 November 2021).

uchebnik po literature 11 klass 1 chast korovina

20.Korovina V Ya, Zhuravlev V. P., Korovin V. I., Belyayeva N. V Literatura. Primernyye rabochiye programmy. Predmetnaya liniya uchebnikov pod redaktsiey V. Ya. Korovinoy. 5-9 klassy: uchebnoye posobiye dlya obshcheobrazovatel'nykh organizatsiy [Literature. Sample work programs. The subject line of textbooks edited by V Ya. Korovina. Grades 5-9: textbook for general education organizations]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 2021. 303 p. (in Russian).

21.Chertov V F., Trubina L. A., Ippolitova N. A., Mamonova I. V Literatura. Primernyye rabochiye programmy. Predmetnaya liniya uchebnikov pod redaktsiyey V. F. Chertova. 5-9 klassy: uchebnoye posobiye dlya obshcheobrazovatetl'nykh organizatsiy [Literature. Sample work programs. The subject line of textbooks edited by V. F. Chertov. Grades 5-9: textbook for general education organizations]. Moscow, Prosveshheniye Publ., 2021. 160 p. (in Russian).

23.Arkhangel'skiy A. N. Literatura: 5-9 klassy: rabochaya programma k uchebniku A. N. Arkhangel'skogo, T. Yu. Smirnovoy. Pod red. A. N. Arkhangel'skogo [Literature: grades 5-9: working program for the textbook by A. N. Arkhangelsky, T. Yu. Smirnova. Edited by A. N. Arkhangelsky]. Moscow, Drofa Publ., 2021. 124 p. (in Russian).

26.Korovina V Ya., Zhuravlyov V P., Korovin V I. Literatura. 7 klass. Uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovatel'nykh organizatsiy. V2 chastyakh. Chast'2 [Literature. 7th grade. Textbook for general education organizations. In 2 parts. Part 2]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 2016. 319 p. (in Russian). 041b061a72


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